What is the purpose of AutisticAF Out Loud?
AutisticAF Out Loud, run by autistic creator Johnny Profane Âû1 amplifies authentic autistic voices to promote neurodiversity.
“One Voice. Raw. Real. Fiercely Neurodivergent.” Our byline underscores our bold commitment to unfiltered self-expression and autism advocacy.
What will I find on AutisticAF Out Loud?
Thought-provoking pieces like “Designing My Home Around Adult Autism: Pt. 1 – Making It Work for Me.”
In blog posts, podcasts, videos, & original art, we explore real autistic experiences. Challenge stereotypes. Offer insights to those seeking to understand & appreciate neurodivergence.
And always, links to important autistic & neurodivergents resources, community voices, and balanced research… informed by lived neurodivergent experience.
Discover the power of authentic autistic voices & join our community today at AutisticAF Out Loud.
How does AutisticAF Out Loud support the autistic community?
We aim to resonate with & support the full range of autistic & neurodivergent people.
At the same time fostering appreciation for our unique gifts in the wider world.
And especially, empowering those wondering about their own neurodiversity.
AutisticAF creates an unapologetic space for the autistic community to share our stories & creativity on our terms.
What is the main goal of AutisticAF Out Loud?
We hope our authentic, thought-provoking perspectives will open minds. Touch hearts. Inspire change.
What can readers expect when visiting this site?
Ready to embrace neurodiversity? Explore AutisticAF Out Loud now. Rxperience the transformative power of our unapologetically autistic content. Welcome to AutisticAF Out Loud...
Ensuring autistic voices are heard, understood, & celebrated.
The Âû in “Johnny Profane Âû” historically stood for Autistics United, but many now use it to identify themselves as autistic. This symbol is used here for clarity due to the ambivalent nature of the author's stage name.